About Me


My name is Robert Patterson.  I am a 28 year veteran “Freight Relocation Engineer”, i.e. truck driver, who having seen my fair share of unprofessional drivers; I decided I wanted to do something about it.  We are, for the most part, a great group of guys and gals who love what we do and we do it well.


We all ask children, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Children always say, “Fireman, Policeman, Fighter Pilot…”  We all know the drill.  But when someone asked me what I wanted to be, I always wanted to be a truck driver.  I was always fascinated with big trucks.  Where were they coming from?  Where were they going?  What is it like to sleep in one of those things?  When the family would take long trips, I would entertain myself by counting all the trucks.

After four years in the U.S. Army, I decided it was time to go for it!  I signed on with Schneider National and off I went. Click here to read some of my rookie stories.


I have put in a lot of miles over these 28 years.  I have seen many great and wonderful places and met many great and wonderful people. But, between the horrible C.B. language, the overwhelming amount of road rage, and the general lack of pride, I felt there had to be a way to instill a sense of professionalism in the trucking industry just like the professional development in other industries.  I believe that being a true Professional is not just a skill set, but it is an attitude and a desire to be the best.  I hope you will join me in my pursuit of the truly ‘Professional’ qualities that can and should be in the entire American trucking industry.

View Robert Patterson's profile on LinkedIn

5 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Great Blog….Having selected trucking as a 2nd career at 55 …I am starting my 3rd year behind the wheel…I quickly figured out what all the “carny’s” do the rest of the year…? OMG…everyday I see and witness something unbelievable that truckers do. I also quickly realized 6 months in…that this was going to be real easy to fly right up the ladder and make top $$$ beginning my 2nd year. If I would have known how easy this is…I would of done it sooner.I often thought of doing a blog…or a podcast…but…what for….”Truckers know everything…just ask one” I have a lot of ideas & questions which I’d like to share with you over time….BTW… I picked up your site from Buck & Don at TTP.

    Jack Perkins
    Logistics Specialist

    • Hi Jack,

      It is good to hear from you. I have made a good living as a truck driver and I don’t think I would do anything else. I am glad you are doing well in the trucking industry and I hope for a long and fruitful relationship with you.

      I look forward to your comments and questions.

      And Buck and Don are great. I have listened to them from the start and I do not miss an episode.
      Thanks again.
