Bendix® Wingman® Fusion™: How it really works!

There are plenty of articles on how the Bendix® Wingman® Fusion™ is supposed to work. For the most part, the system works as advertised. I want to give a first hand look at how it works in the real world.

The system is advertised to activate automatically once your speed reaches 37 mph, but I have seen the system activate at what seems to be random speeds. I’ve seen the system activate as low as 35 MPH and as high as 50 MPH. Everything from adaptive cruise control to lane departure warning will be watching your every move.  The adaptive cruise control will maintain a proper following distance from the vehicle in front of you. What you have to get used to is seeing the slower vehicles you may be coming up on and moving over BEFORE the system “sees” them. If you do not move over first, the system will begin to meet their speed and you will loose all momentum.

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