We all need to obey traffic signs.
I heard someone complaining about all the big trucks who don’t read the traffic signs and would not move over into the right lane in a construction zone. These questions made me wonder how many people don’t know why big trucks seem to stay in one lane over the other. Truck lane restrictions come in many different ways. Most of the time there is a good reason for the lane restriction; like a low bridge or a soft shoulder, but many times it is just to control traffic, and that is debatable whether that is a good reason to restrict trucks to a certain lane. Let’s look at some of the top restrictions.
The left lane violation is exactly what it sounds like. Many times, if there are more than two lanes of travel, all commercial vehicles are restricted to the right two lanes. If you look for it, you will see this traffic sign as a highway open up to more than two lanes that says, “All Trucks Us Right Two Lanes.” Most of the time you will see this sign as most interstates that have more than two travel lanes will rarely have more than three. The only time you see the “No Trucks Left Lane” sign is when you come into a metropolitan area where there is more than three travel lanes. In this case, the left lane may be considered a H.O.V. (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane.
The improper lane travel. There are some states that hold big trucks accountable to the “Use Right Lane Except To Pass” sign. That sign is not a suggestion; it is the law. It is not legal to travel down the highway in any lane except the right lane unless you are passing a slower vehicle. So, all those people who like to get in the left lane and stay there for a hundred miles, understand YOU CAN BE FINED for improper lane travel. (in some states)
The illegal lane change. I don’t know how big of a deal this is for cars, but in some states, a big truck can be fined for “Illegal Lane Change” for moving over when another car is coming down the ramp to get onto the interstate. Yes, you read that right. Now you know why SOME big trucks will not move over for you when you want out on the highway. (The only state I have seen this upheld was Ohio)
Common Traffic Signs.
Below you will find a list of common traffic sign colors and their meanings: From your DMV.
Red. Almost always, red means stop! A red traffic sign either signals you to stop your vehicle or prohibits entry.
Green: Green means go! A green traffic sign signals that you can proceed, or provides you with direction on where to proceed.
Yellow: Yellow stands for caution. A yellow traffic sign serves as a general warning.
Black and White: Black and white traffic signs provide posted regulations (i.e., speed limits).
Orange: Orange signals construction time! If you see an orange traffic sign, you will likely encounter construction or road maintenance ahead.
Brown: Brown traffic signs reference local recreation areas or scenic points of interest.
Blue: Blue stands for guidance. Blue traffic signs often offer information to assist motorists.

Back to the original question, here is the explanation:

Coming into a construction zone, you will usually see a sign like this, “Trucks Use Left Lane.” Big trucks are usually restricted to one lane in a construction zone. If the lanes shift to the left…we are restricted to the right lane. A shift to the right will restrict us to the left lane. Because the outside lane is pushed to what used to be the emergency lane and is NOT strong enough to hold the weight of a big truck. So, most big trucks are not just trying to get in your way, they may in fact be following the law. I look forward to your comments. Don’t forget to like my Facebook page at the bottom.