The Pigtail wedge
Don't get frustrated with all the ways that don't work!
Only $5.99
The Pigtail wedge
Only $5.99
Drivers try to deal with this problem AFTER they have a problem. Use the Pigtail Wedge to prevent the problem in the first place. Keeps drivers moving, making more money.
Some trucks go through a pigtail every 2 or 3 months! Using the Pigtail Wedge can double and even triple the life of the pigtail.
The more time a drivers spends in the shop having flickering lights fixed costs the company money.
Attach the Pigtail Wedge lanyard through the holes in the pigtail pull hooks. When you plug in the pigtail, insert the Pigtail Wedge where needed to keep the lights on.
Paper will compress over time and leave a driver "fixing" it again. And, this is what happens when paper gets wet.
Spreading the prongs just doesn't work! And, forcing the prongs apart will over time wear them out and they will break off!
Paper clips will break off and cause trailer lights to short out. Another trip to the shop!